3 houses on Breitestrasse in Winterthur
16 rooms from CHF 660 to 890 per month


free rooms

Public transport connections

Bus stop Jonas-Furrer (Bus 4) in approx. 1 minute walking distance
Winterthur main station: on foot: approx. 15 minutes, by bus or bike: approx. 10 minutes
Zurich main station: approx. 45 minutes by bus and train

ZHAW, schools

Campus Stadtmitte: approx. 10 minutes on foot, bus: approx. 10 minutes. By bike: approx. 5 minutes
Campus Technikum and Campus St.-Georgen-Platz: on foot: approx. 15 minutes, by bus or bike: approx. 10 minutes

Shopping, surroundings

Shopping facilities (Spar) within a two-minute walk
Other stores and pharmacy, restaurants and cafés approx. 10 minutes’ walk away
Old town: on foot: approx. 15 minutes, bus: approx. 10 minutes. By bike: 5 minutes
Close to the forest with hiking or biking possibilities, mini golf



Breiti 1


Breiti 2


Breiti 3


a room that feels like home!