about us

Our StudentDahei is a place where different backgrounds and perspectives are valued. We promote tolerance and respect for all. We are open to all backgrounds, genders and religions.

get in touch

How it came about

I had always wanted to have a house for people in training.

In the winter/spring of 2019, I broke my foot and had to sit still at home (not my favorite thing to do). I had time to find out what was going on in the real estate market.
There I came across the house at Breitestrasse 127 in Winterthur. Strangely enough, it had been on the market for more than 2 weeks. That was reason enough for me to make an appointment with the estate agent. Long story short… Breite 1 was born. In the fall, the first students moved into our house.
In the fall of 2021, I became aware of house no. 149 on Breitestrasse. Nobody gave us a chance to get it… until January 2022, in the middle of school lessons, my phone rang and we got the acceptance (I was so happy that the whole school heard it). Then Corona arrived and the “new” student house remained empty for a while. But as soon as times got back to normal, it filled up in no time. We soon had 10 student rooms and had to expand. We were able to offer another room to a Ukrainian student.
In December 2022, I received a call from an estate agent who knew that we would like another student house. From April, we were then the owners of the house and were able to welcome 16 students at the start of the semester.

And what happened next…. I don’t know. In the meantime, my dream has turned into a veritable start-up. I haven’t been able to run it alone for a long time. I have the full support of a team.

But one thing can be said for sure: we are all excited about what’s to come and are open to it.



What is important to us


What we imagine:

“Our StudentenDahei” is more than just a place to live – it is a place of togetherness and individual development. We want to create a friendly and supportive environment where students feel at home and can develop their full potential.

“Our StudentDahei” is a place where different backgrounds and perspectives are valued. We promote tolerance and respect for all. We are open to background, gender and religion.


Our promise:

“Our StudentenDahei” is a place where students should not only live, but also grow. We strive to create an environment that contributes to personal success and a positive student experience. With us, you will not only find accommodation, but also a community that supports you.

Welcome to “Unser StudentenDahei” where living in community and learning are not just empty words.


Education: We recognize the importance of lifelong education and encourage our residents to expand their knowledge and develop their skills.

Personal development: We give students space to develop personally. We encourage independent action and the exploration of new interests. We support our students in putting their knowledge into practice and trying out new things.


Our aim is to create a pleasant living environment in which our residents can feel comfortable and safe.

“Our StudentDahei” is a place where students should not only live, but also grow. We strive to create an environment that contributes to personal success and a positive student experience.


We value mutual respect and cooperation. Our students are part of a supportive community where they can share and learn from each other. We aim to provide a comfortable and safe home for our students that goes beyond housing.





is married, mother of three grown-up children, grandmother, pack leader of four lively dogs and five cats. As a teacher and apprentice trainer for many years, she has a lot of understanding and an open ear for the concerns, worries and needs of teenagers and young adults. She is not easily fooled and has a good and bad temper, is full of energy, warm-hearted and cheerful. Daniela likes laughter, good food, tolerant people, animals, good conversations, her garden, traveling, recycling and her home. She has less patience with lies, loveless food, food waste, humorless people and injustice.


“Our StudentenDaheim” is more than just a place to live – it is a place of togetherness and individual development. We want to create a friendly and supportive environment where students feel at home and can develop their full potential!”




Meet The Team

Of course, Daniela is backed by a whole StudentDahei team! …



Elio and I are involved in the whole process. We look after the houses and the students. We are always there where we are needed.

...and Elio

...and Elio



The four-legged friends give us a balance to the houses. They bring peace and quiet to our walks. Many good conversations about the shared flats take place here. Many solutions are found here.

our craftsmen

our craftsmen

I can always rely on you when there's something to do somewhere in the houses.

Hauswartung Kymmo...

Hauswartung Kymmo...

... has taken us under their wing. Thanks to them, our houses have a clean and tidy appearance.



takes care of the website and everything that needs to be done on the PC... from the cleaning plan to the Instagram appearance.


what our students say

“The student residence was a second home for me. The landlady is very caring. The flatmates, some even from abroad, were a great enrichment. Living at Breiti has helped me develop a lot as a student and also as a person!”


“I lived in Breiti for three years and always felt comfortable. After two years, I’m still in contact with my former flatmates and also have a friendly relationship with the landlady. Living together is encouraged by shared dinners, games evenings or even a quick afternoon coffee. People tend to meet less during the exam periods and there is a quiet, study-friendly atmosphere. You can retreat to your own room at any time, Daniela is always available if you have any problems and she can be in the shared flat within a very short time in an emergency!



“I like living in Breiti because it’s a great home for students, you have everything you need. Living in Breiti is great because you enjoy the community with other students. You can talk about God and the world… I particularly like the fact that there is a community, but you also have time for yourself… Breiti combines so many positive things that you can’t find anywhere else. I feel like I’m in good hands and I feel at home.”
