

concept, contact
Zinzikerweg 9
8404 Reutlingen (Winterthur)

Liability, warranty
No guarantee is given with regard to the website content (completeness, correctness, topicality, etc.). Any liability claims against the authors for damages of any kind that may arise from the use of the website and its information are excluded.
The offer shown is non-binding and can be changed without notice.
Only contracts concluded separately outside the website are binding.

Data protection, security
In the contact form you have the opportunity to enter your e-mail address and a free text. The protection of this data is important to us and we undertake to use it only to contact you regarding your request.
There is no further processing of your data. Your data will be adequately protected (in particular against unauthorized access).
At your request, we will inform you of any requests that may be stored by us and, if desired, we will also delete them (in accordance with applicable law and technical feasibility).

Use of Google Analytics
We are interested in how our website is used. “Google Analytics 4“ (service of Google Inc. (”Google”)) is used for the analysis. This service uses “cookies”. These are text files that are stored on your computer and contain information about the use of the website in question. This information is sent to Google servers (in the USA) for analysis and stored there. Google may in turn transfer this information to third parties for analysis if this is required by law or if third parties work on behalf of Google. In accordance with published guidelines, Google will never associate your IP address with other data from its own services. If you wish, you can prevent the storage of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings in your browser software. This may, but need not, restrict the functionality of the website.
By using this website, you consent to the processing of data by Google as described above.



a room that feels like home!